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Spinning plates are hard. Particularly when you have lots of plates all spinning at once. Life is very much like spinning plates and it can become hard work trying to control multiple parts of your life.
Completing an Apprenticeship is a great example of this, as you have to ensure you are in control of learning the skills of your trade, meeting the expectation of work and other commitments.
That’s why we’ve created a series of tips for a successful Apprenticeship. We hope these tips will give you one less ‘plate’ to worry about and to be the best version of you.
You’re probably saying “I know how to ask questions: and as an apprentice you’ll spend much of your work day asking question. This is part of the learning process and is necessary to complete tasks asked of you. But questioning is a skill that can be honed.
Many apprentices fall into the trap of just asking “How do you want me to do this?” This is a broad question and requires a full answer. When you ask a question, you have to know what you want for an answer. If you don’t need to know all of the steps to complete a task, don’t ask a broad question.
Don’t be afraid to ask for feedback. Asking for feedback on performance is an important part of developing your skills. You might not always like the answer but ultimately this will help you develop your skills and knowledge.
Once you know what kind of information you need and who to ask, you have to ask your questions in a manner that gets the best possible information in response. Asking amazing great questions is a skill like any other skill, it takes practice. Here are some techniques to draw out what you need to know.
As you go forth in your quest for knowledge, remember that asking great questions takes practice. You probably won’t get it perfect every time. Just get started asking questions. Your skills will improve over time. Remember that if you want good answers, they come from asking good questions.
See what apprenticeships and traineeships we currently have on offer across Australia.
We offer a wide range of trades including building, plumbing, office administration and much more.