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I am proud and excited to write this as the new President of the HIA WA region. I come into this role with much gusto and fresh enthusiasm to tackle the next two years. As we move beyond the post-covid cycle, some challenges lay ahead in our industry, but I am optimistic and believe that as President. I can work effectively with our Executive Director, Michael McGowan and our newly appointed Vice President, Cath Evans, to achieve positive progress.
I commence this role, having spent time as Chairman of the HIA Technical Committee and the great pleasure of completing my role as Vice President under the outgoing President, Dean Humphrey. Everyone will recognise the enormous effort, energy and commitment that Dean applied during his term, and from which I have learnt a lot, and can take forward and carry on from his successes.
Like many in the industry, I grew up on building sites, developing an innate knowledge of how they moved and worked. Joining the industry as an 18-year-old and going into business with my family to start Weststyle a year later, I learned as much as possible from my father and mentor, Tindaro. Weststyle is, and always will be, a family company with an unwavering commitment to quality. Our success over the past 38 years has been founded on family values, culminating with dedication and teamwork.
There is now so much information to be across, changes to be abreast of, and responsibility to hold that the role of HIA, as the peak industry body for the housing industry, is more important than ever. We will continue to provide the support, information and resources to allow members to focus on the delivery and quality of the work that makes them so proud and delivers the quality outcomes their clients deserve.
Whether large or small businesses, trade or suppliers, the conditions of the past few years have led to members enduring prolonged challenges, impacting many at a financial, physical and mental level, and fatigue across the industry is at an all-time high.
For all members of the industry, the support and care for each other are of vital importance, and ensuring we all, regardless of size, company, role, or circumstance, feel we have the support of the association - the expertise, advice, products and processes and access to people who have our back, provides important comfort.
So, as I commence my Presidency in times of acute, immediate workloads, critical worker shortages, and uncertain future sales trends, the continued delivery of support and information to help guide, protect and develop our members and industry will be a focus of my term. I pride myself on the ability to connect to and understand the needs of our members.
I have been a passionate HIA member and advocate for 38 years and understand first-hand the commitment of HIA staff, the invaluable input of our committees, and the strong connection with the people throughout the industry. I look forward to continuing and strengthening this legacy.
I look forward to working alongside our Executive Director, Michael McGowan, Vice President Cath Evans and the very capable HIA team. We will continue to represent the industry at all levels, work to ensure we overcome the current challenges, and, most importantly, continue to thrive as an industry.