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“The Government announcement of the reopening of renovations in occupied homes at the 70 percent double dose vaccination milestone instead of 80 per cent milestone is extremely welcome news for the many thousands of builders and their trades waiting to get back to work.
“There are thousands of small building businesses that have been unable to work during the lockdowns, both this year and last year, and this has caused great financial hardship.
“There have also been many families who have been living with partially completed building work in their homes.
“This news will provide welcome relief for all - builders, trades and home owners.
“HIA has continued to lobby over the weeks and months for the safe return to renovations in occupied homes.
“We have clearly demonstrated that steps can be taken by our members to operate safely to protect both owners and workers.
“HIA has highlighted to the Government the good track record of home builders and renovators that have been working during COVID as evidence that this sector can safely return to work. The prolonged shutdown of the renovation sector has had a harsh impact for in home renovators, many of whom have had little financial support from Government.
“HIA is pleased to see that works will be able to commence earlier than planned for this last essential part of our industry.
“It is also great to see that this announcement includes works outside homes allowing the many landscaping and other outdoor projects, such as painting, to resume and be completed in time to be enjoyed in the warmer months.
“Including maintenance works in this announcement will also allow for many builders to undertake scheduled maintenance works at recently occupied homes, where a backlog has been created in the last few months”, concluded Ms Nield.
“The Government has not balanced the goal of stable and reliable migration pathways with the removal of restrictions on new home building necessary to meet demand,” stated HIA Chief Economist, Tim Reardon.
The Housing Industry Association (HIA) has welcomed the announcement by the Canberra Liberals that it will develop Kowen Forest if elected and calls on other parties and candidates to make the same commitment.
One of the founding members of the HIA Wagga Wagga Branch, Anthony (Tony) Balding, has been awarded life membership of the organisation during the Riverina Housing Awards on Friday 13 September.
“Today’s commitment by Minister Watt to use the National Construction Industry Forum as a conduit through which to move the building and construction industry away from the longstanding and recently high-profile allegations of lawlessness is a further positive move by the Government,” said HIA Managing Director Jocelyn Martin.