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“We cannot tax our way out of the housing affordability problem. The solution is less tax on housing and less government distortions on the market.
“Reviews of housing taxation, including the Henry Tax Review, are consistent in identifying the need to solve the supply problem before considering more taxes on homes.
“The RBA, Productivity Commission, Federal and State Treasurers have all identified the constraints on the supply of housing as an underlying cause of the housing affordability challenge.
“Addressing affordability requires a coordinated effort by all tiers of government to allow the industry to respond with the type and location of housing required to satisfy the pent-up demand.
“It is illogical to conclude that reducing opportunities to provide rental accommodation can make a meaningful impact on housing supply and rental affordability.
“As was the case in each consideration of changes to tax settings in the past, it is government policies that remain the primary cause of the shortage in housing supply.
“Governments continuing to blame migration, local investors and foreign investors for the housing crisis falls well short of the truth,” Mr Reardon concluded.
“NSW Housing Policy makers seem to be more interested in announcements than deliverables,” said Brad Armitage HIA Executive Director NSW.
“Governments across the country are making announcements aimed at improving housing supply and it is challenging to determine which policies will genuinely improve housing supply from those that are disguising new taxes,” said HIA Senior Economist, Matt King.
The severe weather event across the North Queensland east coast has seen disaster support activated for North Queensland communities by the Australian and Queensland Governments following days of relentless rain.
The residential building industry has welcomed today’s pragmatic decision by Minister Steel to limit third party appeal rights in the ACT to improve the supply of public housing - but now is the time to extend this approach to all similar housing projects.