“The Victorian Opposition has proposed a review of the planning system, something HIA has been advocating for many years as delays with the planning approvals are adding to the cost and complexity and pushing out timelines on getting much needed homes built across the state.
“Over the past 12 months there has been a significant decline in housing approvals and new home sales which make the government’s target of 800,000 homes in 10 years more difficult to achieve.
“HIA supports a review of the wider planning and development system. The current process for obtaining approval to develop land and build homes across Victoria is too complicated and drawn out.
“It is not just local councils who make decisions, but many other authorities involved that all further add to complexity and uncertainty of getting projects approved.
“Equally there are numerous laws that apply to this process including the Planning and Environment Act, Environment Protection Biodiversity Conservation Act, Heritage Act, and the Aboriginal Heritage Act. These laws all impact on the operation of the planning system.
“The Victorian government’s Housing Statement proposes measures to improve the operation of the current Victorian planning system. This includes implementing Red Tape Commissioner reforms, providing quicker water connections, improving planning certainty, and a review of the Planning and Environment Act.
“These are important areas to reform, but more is needed. These measures are limited to the mainstream planning system and a broader review is needed as a matter of urgency.
“This review must go beyond looking at the role of local councils and consider other decision makers involvement and the role they are playing in adding to delays in the planning approval process. Without such a review and implementation of broader planning reform the Victorian 800,000 new homes target will not be achieved,” concluded Mr Ryan.