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“A Hunter based builder and TAFE NSW teacher with over 30 years’ experience Greg has become the HIA Hunter’s 7th Regional President”, said Craig Jennion, HIA Hunter Executive Director.
“For the next two years Greg, along with newly elected Vice-President Kaine Tarlinton of Buildcert and 9 other HIA members, will form the Hunter Regional Executive Committee”, said Mr Jennion.
The role of the Regional Executive Committee it is to represent the local region, assist in the development of HIA policies and provide a local forum to deal with regional issues.
Other members elected to the Regional Executive include Matthew Edwards, Kristy Francis, Paul Le Mottee, Allan MacKay, Megan Mottley, Stephen Murray, Matt Sharpe, Rodney Tullipan and Grant Williamson.
“I am confident that the experience, relationships across the industry, and enthusiasm of the Regional Executive Committee members will strengthen our ability to respond to both local and national matters,” said Mr Jennion.
The appointments also provided an opportunity to acknowledge outgoing President Paul Le Mottee. “It has been a challenging and difficult time for the industry during Pauls presidency, with the impact of the global pandemic evolving into two years full of constant change and adjustment for both HIA and members”, said newly appointed President Mr Doodson.
“I would like to acknowledge the significant contribution and commitment that Paul has provided the association, and I look forward over the next two years to building on his legacy and that of previous Hunter Region Presidents”, said Mr Doodson.
“With a strong understanding of the challenges those in the residential building and construction industry face I'm certain Greg will successfully lead the industry diverse HIA Hunter Regional Executive Committee”, concluded Mr Jennion.
“NSW Housing Policy makers seem to be more interested in announcements than deliverables,” said Brad Armitage HIA Executive Director NSW.
“Governments across the country are making announcements aimed at improving housing supply and it is challenging to determine which policies will genuinely improve housing supply from those that are disguising new taxes,” said HIA Senior Economist, Matt King.
The severe weather event across the North Queensland east coast has seen disaster support activated for North Queensland communities by the Australian and Queensland Governments following days of relentless rain.
The residential building industry has welcomed today’s pragmatic decision by Minister Steel to limit third party appeal rights in the ACT to improve the supply of public housing - but now is the time to extend this approach to all similar housing projects.