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HIA did not share any financial, credit or accounting information. It is important to note that HIA’s own systems were not impacted by the incident.
Impacted individuals will be contacted with advice and support. If you have been impacted, you will receive this advice via email or by letter.
HIA work with PwC, who provide a variety of professional services, including assurance and consulting advice and have historically utilised the MOVEit Transfer software to transfer data related to their engagement. A previously unknown security vulnerability in the MOVEit Transfer software meant that a third party was able to download files related to HIA and PwC’s engagement, and some of those files included your personal information.
Given the nature of your information that was accessed, PwC have sent you a notification letter with details of the incident and important information about actions you can take.
The MOVEit Transfer software application is used by a significant number of organisations worldwide to securely send and receive data. Up until recently, PwC Australia used the MOVEit Transfer software application to transfer or receive information for some of its engagements with its clients. A previously unknown security vulnerability in the MOVEit Transfer software meant that a third party was able to download files and information stored in the application. PwC Australia is one of the many organisations worldwide that has been impacted by the incident.
More detail about the incident is available on MOVEit’s website.
A group known as Cl0p has claimed responsibility for the attack on the MOVEit Transfer software and the disclosure of the information obtained. Cl0p exploited a security vulnerability in the third party file transfer software called MOVEit Transfer.
More detail about the incident is available on MOVEit’s website.
A group known as Cl0p has claimed responsibility for the attack on the MOVEit Transfer software and the disclosure of the information obtained. However, as is common in data breaches, we do not know who else may have accessed the information which has been published since the incident.
HIA did not upload any of your financial, credit or accounting records to MOVEit Transfer as part of PwC’s engagement with HIA and PwC has not identified any such information in their investigation.
Further, to our knowledge no individual has been the victim of identity theft or fraud. However, we recommend that you continue to monitor your data and personal information and be alert to any suspicious activity, i.e possible fraudulent emails, letters, phone calls and SMS messages. Please review the tips provided to you in your notification letter.
After becoming aware of the incident, PwC switched off the MOVEit Transfer software and promptly notified HIA of its documents which were affected.
Unfortunately Data breaches are on the rise globally. We suggest that you continue to monitor your personal information and be aware of suspicious activity.
PwC has partnered with IDCARE, Australia’s national identity and cyber support community service.
They have expert Case Managers who can work with you in addressing concerns in relation to personal information risks in instances where you think your information may have been misused. IDCARE’s services are at no cost to you.
If you wish to speak with one of their expert Case Managers please complete their online form.
Impacted members should have received a notification letter/email with a referral code. When engaging IDCARE please use the referral code included on your notification letter/email.
Please note that IDCARE is a separate entity independent of PwC and HIA. They are a registered Australian charity that specialises in identity security remediation and support. Please refer to IDCARE for further information and a copy of their Privacy Policy.
If you believe the data incident is causing you to suffer distress, try to reach out to family or friends or to one of the below support services for help:
Visit: Beyond Blue
Call: 1300 224 636
Visit: Lifeline
Call: 13 11 14
Note: If you believe you are at physical risk, please call emergency services (000) immediately.
IDCare is Australia’s national identity and cyber support community service. They have expert Case Managers who can work with you in relation to personal information risks in instances where you think your information may have been misused. IDCARE’s services are at no cost to you. If you wish to speak with one of their expert Case Managers please complete their online form.
IDCARE is available Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm AEST (excluding public holidays).
When engaging IDCARE please use the referral code included on your notification letter/email.
IDCARE services include:
Today, HIA has released a report commissioned from the Centre for International Economics (CIE) on Taxation of the Housing Sector. This Report is an update to the work undertaken in 2019.
Today, HIA released its Taxation of the Housing Sector (2025) Report, which is an update on the 2019 Report.
Today, HIA has released a report commissioned from the Centre for International Economics (CIE) on Taxation of the Housing Sector.
The Housing Industry Association (HIA) takes this opportunity to respond to the Discussion Paper (Paper) on the review of Contracts and Covenants released by the Office of Registrar General on 22 January 2025. The Paper explores potential reforms to laws governing off-the-plan contracts and covenants.