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NCC Volume Two outlines the design and construction requirements for residential buildings and ancillary structures like garages and sheds. Specifically, Part H1D4 and the ABCB Housing Provisions detail the Deemed-to-Satisfy construction requirements for residential slabs and footings.
It’s crucial to consult the NCC Volume 2 requirements first before considering the ABCB Housing Provisions, as they impose certain restrictions on raft slab construction.
In this handy resource, our experts explore key aspects of slab design including site classification, fill requirements, concrete grade, and reinforcement details. Edge rebates, service penetrations, and termite management are also essential considerations, each with specific requirements to ensure proper construction and durability.
Find out everything you need to know about designing raft slabs that are compliant with NCC 2022.
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Builders and building professionals engaged in the residential building industry.