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Livable housing design features in bathrooms

This resource provides a summary of the considerations that will ensure Class 1a houses and Class 2 apartment’s bathrooms and toilets achieve compliance with the Livable housing Design Standard and optional additions which enhance a home’s liveability.

Entry doors

Designers not only need to be mindful of unobstructed circulation spaces within a compliant LHD bathroom or WC, but also the required clear opening of the entry into that room.

Doorways to a facility used to comply with the LHDS must have:

  • a minimum clear opening width of 820mm; and
  • a transition that does not exceed 5mm rounded or bevelled lip; or ramped threshold which occurs within the door jamb and does not exceed 1:8.

The opening can generally be achieved using an 870mm wide door or wider to ensure the minimum 820mm clear opening is easily achieved (See Figure 1).

Figure 1: Clear opening door widths

A sliding door can be used, such as a cavity slider, but it must be remembered a clear 820 mm opening must be achieved. Where a cavity slider door leaf finishes around 50mm from the closing jamb (the pocket side) to allow space for a flush pull, or stops are installed an 870mm door may not provide a clear opening of 820mm unless a flush pull installed in the edge of the door.

Sanitary facilities

The ABCB Standard requires that at least one compliant sanitary compartment is provided, this could be a standalone toilet or a combined bathroom that contains a toilet.

Circulation space

A minimum circulation space of 1200 mm must be provided from the front edge of the toilet pan to the swing arc of the door of the sanitary compartment. Cabinetry doors and shower screen doors may encroach within the circulation space. Other building elements that can also encroach include skirting boards, architraves, toilet roll holders, skirting tiles, door stops and door handles. 

Figure 2: Required circulation space

Fixed obstructions

For a toilet pan located in a sanitary compartment that is combined with a bathroom, the toilet pan must be located at least 450mm from any other fixed obstruction (See Figure 3), such as a shower enclosure, basin or vanity unit. For a toilet located in a separate sanitary compartment, there must be a clear width of not less than 900 mm between the finished surfaces of opposing walls either side of the toilet pan (See Figure 3).

Figure 3: Minimum distance from fixed obstructions

The actual size of bathroom fixtures will need to be confirmed to ensure clearances are achieved and manufacturers specifications be used where the fixture itself cannot be measured. Although there is no regulated height for the toilet seat, an optional improvement is to consider is a ‘comfort height’.


There must be at least one shower in the dwelling that complies with LHDS. It can be installed on any level of a dwelling or unit but must be ‘step free’ with no step downs or hobs on the non-entry side.

A level transition from the bathroom floor to the shower area must be achieved, with a maximum 5 mm lip, for water retention permissible. The slope of the shower floor and the position of any floor waste should also be considered.

Reinforcement for grabrails

Walls must be strengthened around showers, toilets and baths should the owner decide to install handrails at a later point. The installation of grabrails is not necessary for compliance.

Wall reinforcement for future grabrails must be able to withstand 1100N of force applied in any direction. The walls should be reinforced by installing either:

  • noggings with a thickness of at least 25mm, or
  • sheeting with a thickness of at least 12mm, or
  • light gauge steel framing noggings.
Figure 4: Example locations of reinforcement

Where bathroom walls are constructed of solid masonry, concrete or another material that can support grab rails, such materials are deemed adequate to support future grabrails.


To maximise floor space, reduce the size of the vanity or other inbuilt storage furniture or install vanity cupboards, storage furniture and shower screens as removable fixtures after all surrounding surfaces. The space then becomes more adaptable if removed in the future to free up circulation space.

Switches and controls

An optional added accessibility switches and controls located on an accessible path of travel could be rocker action and toggle switches or push pad switches  be installed at height between 900 mm to 1100 mm from floor level and not less than 500 mm from internal corners.

How can I access the NCC?

The Livable Housing Design Standard and other accompanying documents can be download from the ABCB website.

For those who prefer a hardcopy, HIA has produced printed copies that also come with a helpful ‘HIA Summary of NCC 2022 changes publication’.

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