Tasmanian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (TASCAT)

TASCAT now has the power to hear disputes in the residential building industry when previous compulsory Consumer, Building and Occupational Services (CBOS) mediation has failed.

Mediation can be a crucial part of resolving a dispute in the housing industry. In Tasmania, a first step is engaging CBOS to resolve the matter. If this isn’t successful, you can pursue resolution via TASCAT, who can now make binding orders for an enforceable outcome.

HIA experts created this detailed explainer to provide all the critical information you need when engaging TASCAT to address your issue. It outlines what kind of disputes TASCAT can deal with, and which issues it cannot. It also includes all the links so you can take the necessary steps to initiate the process.

Find out everything you need to know about TASCAT mediation so you can go into an often stressful experience armed with knowledge.

Access this resource now

A guide to the TASCAT mediation process for members of the residential building industry in Tasmania

Non-Member price


Member price


Who is it for?

Building Professionals

Housing industry professionals in Tasmania seeking to resolve a dispute that has not been resolved during CBOS mediation.


What does it include?

  • The role of TASCAT
  • TASCAT’s powers that can help with my dispute
  • Issues TASCAT cannot resolve
  • TASCAT process
  • Fees and costs
  • What happens if the other party does not comply with the TASCAT decision.
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