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There are seven mandatory criteria for an MSS. The information below relates to Criteria 3, which requires an MSS to identify and describe the risks of modern slavery practices in the operations and supply chains of your business and any businesses you own or control.
A ‘risk’ that your business may be involved in modern slavery can fall into one or more of the following categories:
There is no minimum requirement in relation to how many levels in your supply chain you must examine. You need to consider all modern slavery risks that may be present in your Australian or international operations and supply chains. The following two steps provide a starting point:
Step 1: Examine your supply chain to identify:
Step 2: Check which of the sectors, types of products and services, countries and business that you have identified may involve high modern slavery risks. The following are some modern slavery risk indicators relevant to the construction industry to help evaluate your risks:
Type of Risk | Indicators |
Sector and Industry Risk The construction industry is considered at a high risk of modern slavery. |
Product and Services Risks Certain products and services may have high slavery risks because of the way they are produced, provided or used. For example, bricks and rubber are recognised as high-risk products globally. |
Geographic Risks Some counties may have higher risks of modern slavery – for example, common sources of raw materials used in construction products such as timber, zinc, gravel, bricks and rubber are sourced from countries with higher risks of modern slavery such as Africa, China and India. |
Business Risks Some entities may have particular modern slavery risks because they have poor governance structures, a record of treating workers poorly or a track record of human rights violations. |
For further information, view the ‘Guidance for Reporting entities’ published by the Department of Home Affairs.
This information is part of a series on modern slavery reporting requirements aimed at assisting members understand the requirements. See the related documents contained in the ‘What to read next’ section for more information.
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