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The Federal Government, through Housing Australia, is offering substantial funding to support the residential building industry help meet the Government's commitment to build 1.2 million homes over the next 5 years through the Housing Australia Future Fund (HAFF).
Here's how to get involved in building affordable and social housing and how HIA can help you gain the WHS accreditation you need to participate.
Generally, applications to the HAFF are made by community housing providers (CHPs).
If you are interested in accessing this funding, reach out to a CHP in your state or territory.
In some cases, accreditation under the Federal Work Health and Safety Accreditation Scheme (WHS Scheme) through the Office of the Federal Safety Commissioner (OFSC) is required to be eligible to carry out this building work.
Low-value building work and the construction of single-dwelling houses, such as Class 1 buildings, including town houses and row houses, are excluded from the WHS Scheme. Find out if the type of building work you do requires accreditation under the WHS Scheme.
Accreditation under the WHS Scheme requires a builder to satisfy the Federal Safety Commissioner (FSC) that they have and are implementing appropriate work health and safety policies, procedures and safe work practices. This requires a builder to:
The WHS Scheme is a safety accreditation required to be held by a head contractor builder engaged to undertake building work funded by the Federal Government. HIA has received government funding to support members get accredited. HIA can:
The OFSC is the Federal Government regulator that administers the WHS Scheme.
The OFSC has dedicated Safety Officers that can help support builders through the accreditation process. They provide up to 40 hours of assistance to all Housing Australia Future Fund (HAFF)-related residential builders working towards accreditation.
No. WHS Scheme accreditation is generally required on larger projects that exceed certain contract values.
Generally low-value building work and the construction of single-dwelling houses, such as Class 1 buildings (including town houses and row houses) are excluded from the WHS Scheme.
HIA has developed information to assist in determining whether the WHS Scheme applies to your building project.
The OFSC has also developed information to assist in determining if the WHS Scheme applies.
Accreditation under the Scheme requires a builder to satisfy the Federal Safety Commissioner (FSC) that they have and are implementing appropriate work health and safety policies, procedures and safe work practices. This requires a builder to:
The OFSC has published an overview of the process to get accredited under the Scheme.
Three years.
There are no fees to apply for accreditation or to maintain accreditation.
Yes, once you are accredited under the Scheme, your Scheme safety management system must be implemented on all of your building sites. We understand that the OFSC will take a phased approach to the implementation of a safety management system accredited under the Scheme.
HIA’s safety management system for builders includes a comprehensive library of policies, management plans, Safe Work Method Statements (SWMS) and Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) specifically designed for residential building businesses. This system was developed by our industry experts to help you manage risk and protect your workers.
If you operate in the residential building industry, you know how crucial effective work health and safety systems are to minimise the risk of injury and address hazards on the job. We've done the hard work for you so you can ensure your business has all the essential documentation you need.