Guidelines on the Code of Ethics Complaints Process

These guidelines outline principles, procedures and potential outcomes of the HIA Code Complaints Process.

Purpose of these guidelines

HIA is committed to upholding the integrity of the HIA Code of Ethics (Code). 

In order to support the Code, HIA acknowledges that from time to time, it may be necessary to deal with complaints alleging poor, unethical or unprofessional behaviour on the part of a particular HIA member (“member”).

The purpose of these guidelines is to outline principles, procedures and potential outcomes of the HIA Code Complaints Process. 

The Code Complaints Process is intended to be a fair, effective, transparent, and consistent process for handling complaints against members and determining whether the member has breached any of the Code’s professional and/or ethical standards. The Code Complaints Process is not intended to be used to coerce or punish members or solicit complaints. 

The HIA National Board may from time-to-time update, change and replace these guidelines. 

What are the guiding principles?

Scope of the process

How the Complaints process works

Complaints Panel Hearings


The outcome of the Complaints Process may include:

  • a finding that the member has not breached the Code; or
  • a finding that member has breached one or more of the principles of the Code; or
  • the Panel’s conclusion that they did not have sufficient information to make a determination on whether the member has or has not breached the Code.

It is open to the Complaints Panel to make such comments regarding the complaint, their decision and any recommended action as they deem appropriate in the circumstances.

If the Complaints Panel finds that the member breached the Code they may:

  • consider that the matter requires no further action;
  • recommend or direct the member to undertake further education and training;
  • recommend or direct the member to obtain professional advice or services;
  • issue a caution or reprimand;
  • recommend a suspension of membership for up to 12 months;
  • recommend that the HIA National Board of Directors cancel membership.

Both the HIA member and complainant are entitled to be advised of the outcome of the Complaint in writing.

The decision of Complaints Panel is final with no provision for appeal in this process.

Complaints process


Non-compliance with the Code can be raised in accordance with the Code Complaints Guidelines.

Lodge a complaint

Complaint guidelines