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Who we support

The HIA Charitable Foundation supports organisations who have a positive impact on the lives of people in the residential building industry.

Who we support

The HIA Charitable Foundation supports organisations who have a positive impact on the lives of people in the residential building industry.

The Charitable Foundation is dedicated to having a positive impact on the lives of people in our industry.

The Foundation relies solely on the donations and generosity of our members and sponsors. There are a range of initiatives and opportunities for you and your organisation to support the Foundation and to make a direct impact on the health and well-being of members, their families and the wider community.

We have proudly chosen the following causes to support:

  • Beyond Blue
  • Tradie Health Institute
  • The Victorian Homeless Fund

Listed below is an overview of areas you can show your support:

  • Run an event with the Foundation as the beneficiary
  • Choose the Foundation as your charity of choice
  • Cause related marketing
  • Corporate and business or individual donations
  • Workplace giving
  • Sponsorship or donated goods and services
  • Bequests

Beyond Blue

Celebrating 10 years in partnership in 2024, Beyond Blue and HIACF share the mutual aim of increasing awareness of the signs and symptoms of anxiety and depression and reducing stigma around support seeking within the residential building industry.

In October 2021 the partnership reached an incredible milestone of $1 million raised for Beyond Blue with further donations of $100,000 in 2022, 2023 and 2024.

 Over the lifetime of the partnership, $1.3 million has been raised, funding a world-first National Suicide Prevention Research Project and now, the Beyond Blue Support Service. $750,000 of which has gone to the Support service equating to over 15,000 people being helped during that time.

Every dollar that Beyond Blue receives from the HIA Chartiable Foundation goes to the Beyond Blue 24/7 Support Service, which is staffed by trained mental health counsellors who provide free counselling, advice and referrals to everyone in Australia. Donations go a long way and help the Support Service provide a pathway for people to improve and manage their mental health and navigate the mental health system.

We're incredibly grateful for the HIA Charitable Foundations ongoing support; it means that we can answer every single call from every single person that reaches out to the Beyond Blue support service. Together we are making a difference.
Georgie Harman, CEO, Beyond Blue.
Photo of Pino Monaco (HIACF Chair) and Georgie Harmen (CEO Beyond Blue) celebrating 10 years in partnership.

Tradie Health Institute

The Tradie Health Institute is a trailblazing initiative dedicated to improving and saving the lives of tradies impacted by occupational lung diseases, including silicosis. Based at the Prince Charles Hospital in Brisbane, Tradie Health is a collaboration of the public health sector, universities, doctors and scientists, industry, and one of the top medical research charities in the country, The Common Good.

Incorporating both research and treatment facilities, Tradie Health is taking a cohesive, co-ordinated "go hard or go home" approach in the fight against silicosis, and they’re already delivering real, tangible change and progress.

"The Institute is emerging as one of the world’s leading research initiatives for trade-related illness," says Tradie Health Executive, Wayne Thompson. "While occupational lung disease treatment has traditionally focused on prevention, rehabilitation, and managing chronic conditions, we are finding ways to detect the disease earlier and pioneering new treatments to improve outcomes for those diagnosed with silicosis."

With HIACF and the Tradie Health Institute presenting a united front in combating silicosis, HIACF’s Chair Pino Monaco acknowledges the importance of this area of research. "This disease affects so many people in our industry, and we’re proud to be able to contribute to this essential, and potentially life-saving medical research," he says. "This is really about members helping members – because the work of HIACF wouldn’t be possible without the fundraising support and generosity of the wider HIA membership base." 

In 2023, the HIACF provided a one-off grant to the Institute of $50,000 to assist their "go hard or go home" approach. In 2024 an additional $50,000 was donated to continue the research into treatment of Silicosis and lung dust diseases.

Tradie Health and HIACF have a common goal – the safety of tradies. “The progress made in silicosis research in the last 12 months, including the Whole Lung Lavage Trial, the purchase of the Cell Sorter and funding of a PhD student, is made possible by the support of HIA Charitable Foundation, and we are profoundly grateful for your support.”
Grant Nibbs - Prince Charles Hospital

Tradie Health Institute


The National Centre for Asbestos Related diseases (NCARD) was established as a multidisciplinary research centre to minimise the impact of asbestos related diseases on the Australian and international community.

Asbestos-related diseases have already taken a significant toll on members of the building industry and the wider community. With the latent nature of mesothelioma, it can be expected that this is a problem that will be with us for some time into the future.
Graham Wolfe, former Managing Director, HIA


HIA funded a new and innovative project to conduct genomic research into mesothelioma. The preliminary data that was generated from this study led to NCARD receiving the prestigious National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) Project Grant to continue and extend this research. Their research will lead to earlier and enhanced detection, improved treatments and a cure for asbestos-related diseases.

In 2013, our members helped us raise $400,000 for NCARD and their research.

National Centre for Asbestos Related Diseases

National Centre for Asbestos Related Diseases

The Victorian Homeless Fund

The Victorian Homeless Fund uses 100% of its funding to provide housing relief for those in need, with a particular focus on women and children escaping family violence.

Supported by the HIA, The Victorian Homeless Fund works closely with builders, philanthropists, councils and government agencies to turn unused residential land into family homes.

Once built these homes are transferred to the custodianship of not for profit community housing organisations like Wayss, Women’s Property Initiative, Salvation Army, Launch Housing, and Wesley Central Mission.

With the help of many generous suppliers, volunteers and helpers along the way the Victorian Homeless Fund has created stable and secure housing where families can create new beginnings.

The Victorian Homeless Fund Logo

HIA Charitable Foundation
Who we are Who we support

Make a donation

HIA Charitable Foundation

Thank you for your interest in supporting the HIA Charitable Foundation. There are numerous ways you can help:

  • Direct donations
  • Making us your charity of choice
  • Spreading the word

*Donations over $2 are tax deductible

HIA Charitable Foundation

HIA Charitable Foundation

Contact us

HIA Charitable Foundation
22 Parkland Road
Osborne Park WA 6017

 1300 783 345

 Email us